Over the years Eugenio has created 3 different drum clinic projects, to cover some important areas of the contemporary world of drumming.
– ‘In Session’ – Length: 3h –
A seminar for the recording drummer, during which the student will be shown all the techniques and steps involved into making a record. Covering the necessary theory but then going straight to the real thing. A mini mobile studio, created to let all participant try the experience of a real recording session.
– ‘ Actualized Drummer’ – Length: 3h –
A clinic all about psychology, performance, music business, career, and self actualization as musicians. All very crucial topics to be able to navigate the complex contemporary world of music. To make the most of our resources, and figure out our identity and our place in the art of drumming.
– ‘Modern Drumming Skills’ – Length: 3h –
A clinic about drumming in the contemporary music scene. Covering the basics of understanding proper technique development, and then moving on to topics such as the advanced phrasing of gospel chops, timing, groove, micro timing, Swag Feel. And also arrangement, interpretation, hybrid drum kits, making art and contributing to the future of music. Getting to know all the essential aspects of playing the drums today.
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